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RICOH fi-8040

Denní zátěž




Kapacita podavače





Tungsten Express

Tungsten VRS

Tungsten Capture


The fi-8040 offers new possibilities for real and modern productivity with the “DirectScan” feature with PC-free and network compatibility and a large touchscreen display.

It allows scanning without using a computer and saves scans straight to a folder or connects directly to emails.

Although compact, the scanner achieves a scanning speed of 40 sheets/80 images per min. [A4 portrait, 200/300 dpi, color/black/grayscale],

with a feeder capacity of up to 50 sheets at a time and features the capability/resilience to scan up to 6,000 sheets per day (recommended daily load).

The technical design is based on the most successful and durable A4 scanner on the market, the leader in the document scanning market in its category.

It comes with a “DirectScan” feature that allows you to scan without a computer directly to a folder or email.

User-friendly 4.3" touchscreen for a better user experience.

Scan a wide range of documents by simply switching to Manual/Single Feed Mode

Supports both LAN (RJ-45) and USB 3.2 connections

Optimized and high-quality image data with patented and unique “PFU Clear Image Capture” technology.

Also included is the SW tool “Scanner Central Admin Desktop”, which allows setting up DirectScan for multiple scanners (central administration).

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