Electronic signature

Tungsten SignDoc

Trusted, secure and convenient biometric signature.
Help me with this

Enable customers to sign documents anywhere, anytime without paper

SignDoc is an important part of intelligent automation. Signatures oftentimes indicate the beginning or end A larger process in the organization.

Signature Options

Capturing of handwritten signatures is possible at:

  • Desktops
  • Smartphones
  • tablets
  • Special Signature Pads

Two types of biometric signatures

Start the biometric signing process with the click of a button or using a handwritten signature (which is often the preferred option when signing in person).

Secure access

Using multiple authentication methods, including SMS codes and security questions.

Signature verification with audit trail

Ensure the authenticity of transactions with access to audit trails of documents and processes. And that's without the cost of maintaining additional software. SignDoc is conformed with key regulations for electronic signatures eIDAs.

Seamless integration

You can deploy SignDoc alone or as part of TotalAgility's Tungsten platform.

SignDoc accelerates contract approvals. From days to minutes

E-signature is significantly faster.

Reduces operating costs

Significantly reduces paper consumption in the process of printing, sending and scanning documents.

Increases customer satisfaction

Transform customer experiences with the communication channel of their choice—on any device, anytime, anywhere.

Compliant with regulations

Improve compliance by providing a traceable audit trail of all steps and transactions.

That's what I want

We'll be in it with you

! 1

We analyze

Through the introductory workshops we are looking for a We prioritize critical processesdigitization and automation of which will be of greatest benefit. We try create a match in the team and organization, what the project will bring.

! 2

We will recommend

Technology solution on the Tungsten Automation platform to help meet your goals. collaboratively We defend the return on investment in front of the leadership. This includes a demo or pilot project.

! 3

We implement & train

We launch as quickly as possible the first version of the solution we are testing with users. Training helps to reconcile team cooperation.

! 4

Support & Development

Digital projects are transformative and don't end in startup — that's why it will be available to you and your team customer support. For larger projects, we help create Competency Team.

We are the only one

Tungsten Platinum Partner

for the Czech and Slovak Republics

One platform Connects teams, processes and internal systems across the organization.

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    used by 25,000+ companies worldwide
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    Transforms information-intensive business operations from start to finish
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    streamlines processes, reduces the amount of manual labor and errors, minimizes costs and promotes compliance
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    It allows organizations improve engagement customers and take advantage of new business opportunities
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    Integration with ERP, DMS, SharePoint and more
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G2 2022 Best Software Award Winner — IT Management Products
Tungsten TotalAgility is one of the best products out of thousands of other bidders

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