Optical character recognition or OCR is a method that ensures the processing of typewritten text from an electronic image. The so-called OCrKO is a widely used technology today. In fact, this technology is free. Here I dare to use the hackneyed phrase “what is worth nothing, is worth nothing”. What the OCRKO must meet today to be applicable in practice:
- Receive an electronic image from an email or file system
- Run OCR technology over documents
- Deliver the result to pass to the system, which creates metadata from the characters to the document
- Create searchable PDF and metadata in standard format (xml, csv, txt)
- It must be a server instance
- User-accessible, for possible correction, or more precisely, correction of OCR errors or erroneous information on the document
- It must not license the user.
So what is the success rate of OCR today?
.. OCR success rate from InfoMatic on the software platform MetaServer is +95%.
Proof instead of promises:

Quality OCR ensures document automation. The system correctly assigns the metadata that defines the document. Thus, they give the documents a “soul” and it is possible to further work with documents and search for them. Every core system of a company or organization, i.e. BPM /DMS/ERP/CRM needs documents that contain metadata. And you either give metadata to the core system manually or automatically.

The right way to go digital is consulting with us to find solutions and not look for technology.
David Večera