We have accelerated the processing of invoices

Automation of financial processes

Prague Airport cannot do without a tool for automated processing of invoices, receipts, delivery notes or HR documents. This role is fulfilled by the Kofax intelligent automation platform with our Automatica DX solution. Employees do not need to manually transcribe and index data to SAP.

Faster document processing.
Data from invoices, receipts and also HR documents are in digital form and error-free.
The solution acts as a data pump to the SAP system on which the entire airport operates.

Prague Airport uses the Kofax platform for automated processing of received invoices and HR documents. Employees do not need to manually transcribe and index data to SAP.

Hundreds of contractors, thousands of invoices, hours of stereotypical work

Introduction of software from Kofax simplified the creation of received invoices to the system and thanks to the reading function no manual rewriting information from the invoice to SAP. Kofax allows you to combine invoices and attachments into a single file using a barcode, reading relevant information and forwarding the electronic invoice to SAP.

Significantly helps the quality of the measured data Kofax's ability to learn new templates. Templates can be set as a whole or the system can teach the individual location of the search text.

Every time the mail arrived at the company with an invoice or delivery note, it would:

  • employees sorted,
  • marked the document with a barcode,
  • scanned,
  • manually transcribed the data into SAP
  • the relevant manager in SAP approved the document,
  • issued an order to reimburse
  • and the document went to the archives.

If the invoice came in electronic form, the scan was dropped. However, employees are still manually transcribed items into SAP. Reimbursement of documents due to this:

  • it took an unnecessarily long time,
  • mistakes were made in it
  • and the employees didn't have the capacity to do value-added work.
“Prague Airport was in a situation where well-executed automation unlocks the hands of employees. From our experience, the appropriate indicator is the volume of documents. If a company processes 10 thousand invoices a year, there really is nothing to wait for. By automating, the company saves hundreds of hours of work. “

— Tomáš Dolejš, CEO INFOMATIC

Documents of the personnel department

Prague Airport uses the Kofax intelligent automation platform for documents in the personnel agenda, where they fall e.g. :

  • employment contracts,
  • Wage measurements,
  • contractual amendments,
  • passes to the doctor,
  • documents on OSH training.

Here, too, the combination of passing the scan to SAP and reading the text proved useful.

More than 2,000 employees, turnover, classic labor legislation, strict safety regulations. All this led to the fact that Prague Airport needed digitalization also for the HR area,” Doleysh recalls.

Essential requirement: compatibility with SAP

For automation in the financial and personnel departments of Prague Airport, it was crucial that the solution design did not replace company-wide SAP.

Right now this is the strength of Kofax TotalAgility. It is a universal platform that digitizes data from any source (paper, email, forms, etc.) and Interconnect different IT systems. It can work independently — employees then operate everything via the Kofax interface, and the company designs and optimizes the document approval process via Kofax.

However, the platform can also be an addition to large IT systems. Then it serves as a powerful data pump for the application heart of the company, which in the case of Prague Airport remains SAP,” explains Doleysh.

Invoice workshop

We will help digitize the finance department.

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Solution for HR Departments reliably digitizes 50 types of paper documents

With HR documents, the situation is much simpler. For the time being, HR professionals use Kofax only as a digitization tool — they scan the relevant HR document and the document is stored in the employee folder in the company's central repository.

In total Kofax helps with 50 types of different HR documents, among which are e.g. :

  • employment contract,
  • consent to the processing of personal data,
  • signature pattern,
  • credit card,
  • verification of reliability,
  • power of attorney,
  • résumé,
  • Obstacles to work,
  • agreement on deductions,
  • medical opinion,
  • home office checklist.

Thanks to Kofax, the HR agenda is in order and HR managers can find any document in a few clicks.

Platform ready for further development

Kofax TotalAgility has the potential to facilitate document circulation across the company — whether inputs come from suppliers, HR departments, merchants or buyers. With Prague Airport, we deal with, for example, the use of Kofax in the maintenance department.

Digitization is not a March-August project. Changing people's behavior is the key, and Kofax works so intuitively that achieving this transformation promotes,” concludes Doleysh.

We can also help you with the automation of invoice processing

If you are thinking about digitizing documents or automating any of your business processes, we will advise you how to get started. Get in touch and we will be happy to introduce you to the possibilities of the Kofax TotalAgility® platform.

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