We process 40,000 documents a day

Digital mailroom

For more than 10 years we have been helping the largest insurance company in the Czech Republic with the digitization of documents and processes. We have implemented a digital mailroom for them on the Kofax platform, which processes 40,000 pages of contracts or insurance claims daily, and we provide long-term scanner service in a shared service center. We have supplemented the working solution with the possibility of scanning via mobile, thus saving the organization the cost of collecting paper documents.

40 tis.
The number of pages processed by the digital mailroom per day (at peak times the line handled up to 85 thousand).
Integration with customized internal IT systems (life and non-life insurance) and digital archive.
The number of branches with a multifunctional scanner, from which documents flow into the system.

Smart scanning of documents in branches and via mobile. We develop a digital mailroom in Generali Česká ovňa

Staff overwhelmed by rewriting data

Flows into Generali systems of the Czech Insurance Company Thousands of documents a day from customers, employees or suppliers. In order to maintain order in everything, the company decided more than 20 years ago to digitize with the help of software from Kofax.

In 2012, the insurance company chose us as a partner for more advanced automation of document processing. “At that time, dozens of employees were processing documents from all over the republic in Brno at the time. From today's point of view, it was very inefficient. The person went through each document and from the forms, for example, he transcribed data on insurance claims into internal systems, so-called indexes. There were dozens of indexes for each document, and at that time more than 20,000 documents were arriving at the company every day,” describes Tomáš Dolejš, CEO of InfoMatic.

Clients from new digital mailroom promised:

  • faster processing of documents,
  • reducing the risk of errors occurring during manual operation,
  • improved management overview of document circulation by the company
  • and a more sophisticated job filling for employees.
“The business case of collaboration was then about 12% of newly negotiated contracts on paper, thanks to automatic mining in Kofax, it will be closed in Generali's internal systems without any human interaction. “

— Tomáš Dolejš, CEO INFOMATIC

Generali ČP wanted to build the solution on the Kofax Capture platform, which already allowed Seamless interconnection with internal systems and hardware to scan documents and data mining from documents of various types.

Kofax platform streamlines document processing

In the first phase of cooperation, we have mapped in detail:

  • internal systems of the company (IT systems and digital archive developed to measure),
  • different categories of documents that the company processes,
  • the process of preparing documents for digitization,
  • and the processes by which documents circulate through the company.

The common goal was that we made the most of Kofax's native features, and thus avoided a large amount of tailor-made adjustments. This makes the platform more technically sustainable.

“Think of Kofax's digital mailroom simply as a smart software connection between scanners, a postman, a web form or email box on the one hand, and internal systems on the other.

The document gets into the system -- either scanned by an employee on a multifunction device in the office, or moved there automatically -- and, according to the set rules, the algorithms extract certain data. These are validated and transferred to ERP, DMS or archive. The possibilities of linking or setting up the platform are essentially limitless,” explains Doleysh.

We designed the digital mailroom for Generali ČP as follows:

  • in the center of shared services, all documents that previously came to the mailroom of the company are collected,
  • employees scan paper documents,
  • Kofax extracts data from insurance policies, forms or applications,
  • after validation by the user, the data is automatically transferred to the internal systems where the relevant employees work with them,
  • the digitized document simultaneously travels to the archive.

We participated in the delivery of the scanning line

Part of the solution was also hardware supply — digitization lines for employees in Brno. “We decided to Fujitsu and Inotec document scannersthat are compatible with Kofax, are easy to operate and handle the volume of documents that flow to Generali with an overview,” adds Doleyš. And since the digitization line requires care, we have concluded with Generali ČP SLA contract for long-term service.

Thanks to the functional HW and SW mailroom fundamentally Accelerated document processing, employees were given the task work with higher added value and the insurance company a lot Responds faster to customer requirements. “During the launch, the digital mailroom mined 5 types of documents, gradually we expanded the scope to 20 types and we constantly wondered with Generali ČP people how to develop the project as much as possible,” adds Doleysh.

Skenování přímo na pobočce nebo z mobilu

V roce 2016 jsme se s klientem domluvili, že platformu doplníme o nové funkce, a pustili se do projektu decentralizovaného a mobilního skenování dokumentů.

Smlouvy, žádosti a další dokumenty, které se dříve vozily ke zpracování do Brna, nově mohli do systémů vkládat přímo zaměstnanci pojišťovny v terénu a tím:

  • ještě zrychlit zpracování dokumentů,
  • snížit náklady firmy za pravidelné svozy papírových dokumentů u poboček do centra sdílených služeb v Brně
  • a snížit také počet zaměstnanců, kteří v Brně dokumenty na plný úvazek skenují.

Technologicky jsme platformu Kofax doplnili o dvě nadstavby, které propojují back office Generali ČP s pobočkami a mobilními telefony zaměstnanců:

  • Kofax Front Office Server zajišťuje zpracování dokumentů na více než 320 pobočkách,
  • Kofax Mobile Capture umožňuje zpracování dokumentů přes mobilní aplikaci (pro Android i iOS).

Díky tomu se nyní fyzický dokument do systémů Generali ČP dostane 3 způsoby:

  1. Oskenuje ho zaměstnanec v centru sdílených služeb.
  2. Zaměstnanec na pobočce se přihlásí k multifunkčnímu skeneru (proběhne uživatelská autorizace s kontrolou oprávnění), oskenuje dokumenty a odešle data do digitální podatelny.
  3. Zaměstnanec nebo externí obchodník kdekoli vytáhne mobil, přihlásí se do mobilní aplikace, oskenuje dokumenty a odešle je do podatelny (aplikace sama optimalizuje kvalitu snímku a pozná, jestli člověk skenuje Velký technický průkaz, ID nebo jiný typ dokumentu).

„Jádro a fungování digitální podatelny zůstaly stejné. Přidali jsme ale nové způsoby, jak skenovat dokumenty a díky decentralizaci Generali ČP šetří na svozech – dříve jezdili třeba dvakrát týdně, teď sváží jen párkrát za měsíc. Při počtu poboček to znamená úspory v řádech milionů,“ hodnotí Dolejš.

Digitization strategy

When you need to digitize, but you don't know where to start.

Zjistit více

Interesting facts about the project

Although we trained our employees on new document processing options, in practice many of them continued to send documents in envelopes to Brno or were waiting for collection. Incentives for advisers helped push the innovation through -- if they took advantage of scanning at a branch or via a mobile app, they had a higher commission.

Further development of the mailroom: process orchestration and a new agenda

The solution from Kofax enables further automation. At the moment, with Generali ČP, we are dealing with the possibility of greater involvement of consultants and liquidators or ways to move the digitization of paper to other departments — The platform can work across the organization..

We can help you create a digital mailroom

If you are thinking about digitizing documents or automating any of your business processes, we will advise you how to get started.

Kofax is one of the few low-code platforms that combines artificial intelligence, robotization, procedural management, e-Signature and mobile scanning, as well as generating documents within the process. Thanks to these technologies, you will achieve in your company automation that has a real impact. Get in touch and we will be happy to introduce you to these options.

A non-binding consultation will save you weeks of searching.

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