Files migrated to new DMS with minimum error rate below 0.67%
30 000
Robotic operations on a daily basis
Integrations to internal systems SAP, SharePoint, EPOS, eDoCat and more
Outdated systems as a brake on growth
Globe was burdened with outdated systems that did not have the necessary support and had limited potential for further development. This limited the growth and improvement of processes.
Between problem areas belonged to:
Outdated systems: with minimal support, both updating and editing were difficult. They slowed down operations and prevented the introduction of new processes and systems to other departments.
Manual Processes: the preparation of documents for invoicing was time-consuming and inefficient.
Inconsistent data: with different data sources and fragmented internal systems, inconsistency of master data posed a significant problem.
Need for speed: the need for a more efficient system to accelerate data availability and increase overall operational efficiency.
To solve the problems, Globus took the road digital transformation.
The path to intelligent automation of business processes
We are the project phased-in into two stages: analysis and implementation.
Thorough analysis including three verification PoCs
We conducted a very deep analysis with an emphasis on understanding:
data location
User Roles
Related types of documents
content and data structure in the old DMS
features of legacy tools and dependencies between systems
From the beginning, our approach was based on collaboration through Joint Workshops — Involvement of IT and business teams allowed us unify requirements and expectations. But also Detect potentiall of the new system i define gray areas and ambiguities in processes.
The lessons learned helped us. visualize a complex environment and were a guide for subsequent implementation. We have created a series of documents:
Description of the solution
functional design
technical specification
Concurrent project — transition to SAP ERP
We paid special attention to understanding and preparing for the transition to the new ERP.
The transition was planned during implementation, so processes had to be prepared for the original ERP as well as the newly introduced SAP. In Kofax TotalAgility was prepared simple hubwhere it was possible to easily switch to old, new, or both ERPs.
The challenge was to restore Globus' outdated software infrastructure and align it with a broader digital transformation strategy across departments.
It took place several rounds of testing, user training and active standby during pilot operations.
Before starting it was necessary migrate successfully all data from the old systems to the new DMS.
Range: it was a major migration, requiring detailed planning and execution.
Complexity: the old DMS system didn't have an API, which complicated the whole migration.
Completeness: all documents had to be transferred due to strict company rules and previous shredding.
Hooking up: we handled the development, testing and execution of migration, including the finalization of live data.
Curiosities in numbers
speed: migration was rapid. An average of 84,433 papers per hour. It took only 9.5 days.
Error rate: a total of 42 million files with an error rate of less than 0.67% were migrated (97% being duplicates and 3% data errors).
“In similar migration projects, RPA has proven to be a great tool, because after the breakdown of the error rate, we see that it works. “ — Pavel Vraj Business Analyst & Consultant, INFOMATIC
Jedna Kofax platforma řídí 121 procesů, 74 robotů a propojuje 10+ systémů
První část je určena pro zpracování dokumentů, zatímco druhá část je určena pro ukládání dokumentů (DMS). Procesy jsou v obou případech od začátku do konce kompletně řízeny platformou Kofax TotalAgility. Pro kmenová data byl navržen princip centrální databáze.
Šest klíčových agend
DMS datové schránky
faktury nákladové
bankovní výpisy
faktury zbožové
faktury vydané
dodací listy
Procesy Existuje několik vstupních zdrojů pro příchozí dokumenty. Většina z nich začíná procesem Kofax TotalAgility, s výjimkou příchozích faktur z e-mailu (importovaných programem Kofax ReadSoft Collector) a papíru (skenovaných programem Kofax Express a zpracovávaných programem ReadSoft Invoices).
121 procesů
33 obchodních pravidel
105 formulářů
průměrně 30 000 hlavních operací denně (ve špičce až 50 000)
Robotizace Všechny robotizační procesy nasazené Kofax RPA jsou řízeny centrálními orchestračními procesy v rámci systému Kofax TotalAgility, kdy je robot vyžadován a jakýkoli problém s daty je pak hlášen zpět do procesu.
74 robotických procesů
průměrně zpracují 14 000 operací denně (ve špičce až 35 000)
Klíčovým důvodem, proč Kofax TotalAgility řídí všechny robotické procesy, je schopnost efektivního zpracování chyb. Pokud dojde k problému v RPA, je tento problém hlášen zpět do procesu Kofax TotalAgility, kde může být snadno vyřešen.
Systém DMS je na konci většiny procesů, kde se buď ukládá nebo aktualizuje dokument.
Digitization strategy
When you need to digitize, but you don't know where to start.
The shift from manual, time-consuming tasks to automated processes has led to dramatic increase operational efficiency. For example, the billing of fines accelerated from 3 days to just 2.5 hours!
“Globus' digital transformation is a journey full of challenges. Seeing our outdated systems turn into state-of-the-art digital infrastructure is great. It's not just about upgrading systems, it's about fostering a culture of innovation. Now we're not just working faster -- we're working smarter. “
— Michal Kadavy Board Member, Globe
Maximum use of the platform for further departments
From the very beginning of the collaboration there was a vision complete digital transformation of the organization. In previous years, we successfully digitized the finance department. However, this does not end the project.
The speed of individual projects is increasing because no more need to implement other technologies. We will simply expand the use of the existing Kofax platform.