Making the Steel Giant More Efficient: 600+ Digitization Opportunities

Business analysis

Vitkovice Steel is looking for a way to digitize its workflows to become resilient to unpredictable changes and increase efficiency as well as employee satisfaction. Together we have developed Digital Transformation Strategythat identified process automation opportunities and created a roadmap for subsequent projects.

Departments involved
Workshops and 112 hours of research on the needs of digitalization
Automation opportunities divided into QuickWins, Projects or Nice-to-Have categories

Vision: to become a paperless organization

Vitkovice Steel They want to become a digital business that will:

  • resistive to unforeseen changes (COVID-19)
  • ready for remote work
  • highly efficient due to process automation
  • increase satisfaction employees (and thus reduce turnover)

The organization was in the preparatory phase and was looking for a contractor to propose Steps needed for digital transformation and helped with the selection of technologies.

The need to align goals, requirements and expectations

Vítkovice Steel's main objectives were Digitization of workflows for different departments and types of documents. At the same time it was important observances legal, accounting, certification and safety standards.


  • divergent perception of the concept of digitalization
  • pressure to streamline operations
  • vaguely defined project objectives
  • fragmentation Previous attempts at digitization

Key requirements

  • Processing different types of PDF, Word, Excel and images with version settings, approvals and access rights
  • OCR or scanning and assigning barcodes
  • Integration of digital signatures, timestamps, encryption and synchronization
  • Platform-independent solutions for end users
  • APIs for integration with other systems (e.g. IFS ERP).
  • Preference for on-premise solutions with hardware delivery or cloud solution
  • Solution for backup and recovery using internal systems

Incongruous projects

Earlier efforts to digitize led to diverse projects that had local successes. Therefore, they were looking for a comprehensive solution that would link the efforts made as much as possible and create synergy.

“Our goal is not to digitize to reduce staff, but to make processes more efficient and our people can work on tasks with higher added value. “

Katerina Nogolov
Member of the Board, Vítkovice Steel

7-month iterative course

We have proposed a procedure for defining a digital strategy through departmental analysis.

38 Workshops to Define Processes

We created series interactive workshops. The intention of each of them was reveal specifics of the given department and at the same time find Leadership opportunities across the organization.

Common cooperative approach:

  • Enables you to engage end-users with the greatest insight into processes
  • visualizes the complexity of processes and their prioritization
  • contributes to team consistency over the goals and impacts of automation
  • increases the likelihood of accepting changes to the project (and thus its success)

In addition to defining processes, these workshops also Pointed out other opportunities — emphasised, for example, the importance of strengthening internal communication for planned changes.

17 departments were analyzed

They listened we are the individual members of selected departments that ensure the entire process of purchase, production, dispatch, quality and complaints. They engaged:

  • Quality Management
  • Controlling
  • Planning
  • Logistics
  • Commerce
  • Accounting Office
  • procurement
  • juridical
  • IT
  • and more...

We looked for connections where there are Barriers and silos Preventing faster communication.

“The workshops were important for getting information from real users who could express their everyday problems. This collaborative approach helped pinpoint real needs more accurately and led to better understanding across teams. “

Pavel Vraj
Business Analyst, INFOMATIC

Over 600 opportunities found

Comprehensive examination across the entire organization revealed potential automation possibilities that will bring significant savings and efficiency. Among these opportunities were key end-to-end processeswhich:

  • connect multiple departments at the same time and thus increase efficiency
  • are often demanding for initial processing of large amounts of data and documents

Processes prioritize on Map of Opportunities to Four quadrants:

  • QuickWins
  • Projects
  • Nice-to-Garden
  • Ignore

For each of the 17 departments, it was created unique process mapwhich can be gradually automated using various technologies.

Strategic Plan: a holistic approach to digitalisation

The result of the business analysis was two strategic documents.

first describes in detail the opportunities of all 17 departments and their readiness for digitalization.

Second contains a management summary and methodological recommendations for subsequent changes.

Key outputs

  • roadmap Follow-up digitisation projects
  • prioritization Processes by QuickWins, Projects or Ignore
  • definitions Key end-to-end processes
  • guesses Costs for individual solutions
  • handouts for future suppliers
  • referrals technologies

Example: input to select BPM

The division of the digital transformation into phases allowed Vítkovice to focus on the most pressing needs.

Therefore, they immediately launched a tender for BPM or the acquisition of durable tablets for production.

Digitization strategy

When you need to digitize, but you don't know where to start.

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“We focused on creating a strategic plan for the digital transformation of the Vítkovice Steel organization. By identifying opportunities for high-impact automation, we have helped make informed decisions that maximize efficiency and competitiveness in the long term. “

Tomas Dolejs

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